Figure 1. Sketch showing extent and key dimensions of Teachers College wall that will be modeled for shading device analysis.
The following information (developed by Wes Stabs) regarding preparation of a "base model" for this assignment may prove of assistance. Feel free to use this info at your convenience.
Link to an AI file with model cutting data.
The model scale is 1"= 1'-0"
The model should be generated out of (1) 18"x24" 1/8" thick mat or museum board
stock as it is scaled and sized for this size stock.
One cut piece (face piece) is scored showing glazing mullions.
The cut settings used were:
power speed PPI
Black (score) 30 70 800
Red (cut) 100 4 800
Green (cut) 100 4 800
Figure 2. Photo of assembled base model.